Aquacast W Blocks : The Retaining Wall System
Aquacast International have developed a versatile, innovative new system of interlocking pre-cast concrete blocks, specifically designed for the rapid and simple construction of retaining walls.
The W shaped blocks have central slots which interlock with the next course and provide a centrally pitched series of holes suitable for piling or filling as required, making this system the first ready made bore piled retaining wall of its kind.
This simple and ingenious system comes in a wide range of sizes, designs and finishes making it ideal for multiple functions – from permanent structures requiring strength, such as Sea defence walls for Harbours and Jetties and River bank reinforcement – to temporary applications like Flood defence walls and Car Park Traffic Management where the requirement is speedy assembly, a barrier can be constructed quickly and then easily disassembled for storage when the requirement has passed
Typical Applications
Reservoir Walls
Land Stabilization
Land Erosion Walls
Flood Defence Walls
Car park traffic management
Marinas, Land Reclamation and Sea defence walls
Landscaping for gardens and parks, artificial lakes and water ponds walls
Houses, Conservatories, barns, storage buildings and compound walls

Product Features & Benefits

Aquacast Partners

Manufacturer of bespoke precast concrete, retaining walls and beam & block flooring

global construction materials company that is building a better future through sustainable products and solutions